Heyoo! (Seinfeld song) I'm catt, I'm the "founder" of the jar, I love reading, I like sci-fi, I'm a dumbass goth and on top of that I'm chronically online, my favorite game is silent hill 3 and The film of my heart is the silence of the lambs. Anyway, fuck, no one cares I REGRET NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*raphael enters *
CHAOS, DARKNESS AND EVIL SHOCK FEELING DOMINATE THIS PLACE with the arrival of the illustrious and magnificent AUTISTIC VAMPIRE LORD, MASTER OF VISUAL SHOCK, also known as Raphael, myself!! I want to show the world every form of audacity and shock that I am capable of performing through my hands, my face, my artistic tools and my BIG STICK (for playing drums, obviously).
That's all you need to know about me...for now...
*raphael leaves dissappearing in the fog *
*evil thunder and crows make noise *
yeah uhh im the opium cool dude and uhh i coded this shii hehe
i like 2pac and ken carson i guess uhhh yeah
(not)evil vamp out bye guysss!!
*thunder strikes *